D's Dish On Healthy Eating

Nutritious Should be Delicious!

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REAL MEALS: Fruit and Greek Yogurt


One of my favorite summer breakfasts to eat on the patio. 1 1/2 cup fresh fruit with 3/4 cup greek yogurt.  Fage 2% greek yogurt is my go to because it has twice the protein of other yogurts, all natural ingredients and tons of live probiotic cultures which are great for our digestive system. Most greek yogurts have twice the protein of regular yogurt, but check the labels. All this protein will keep you full longer. The flavor of the yogurt is a bit plain because there isn’t any extra junk added. For this reason I drizzle honey overtop.  After eating this for a while flavored and low fat yogurts taste very artificial.

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More on probiotics:

Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that naturally inhabit out gastrointestinal tract and assist in digestive processes.  Probiotics help to keep a balance of “good bacteria” in our guts to prevent “bad bacteria” from dominating leading to bacterial infection. This can happen after antibiotic therapy.  Probiotics may especially be helpful for individuals with diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, irritable bowel syndrome )IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), yeast infections, urinary tract infections.  Our gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in immunity and therefore it is thought that probiotics may also reduce incidence or severity of cold, flu, allergies and certain immune related skin conditions including eczema.

Good sources of probiotics can be found in foods like yogurt, kefir, unpasteurized sauerkraut, miso soup, tempeh, sour dough bread, naturally fermented pickles (without vinegar), kombucha tea and are regulated for safety by the FDA.  Probiotic supplements are not regulated, but are generally thought to be safe.  As always, I recommend food sources rather than supplements. If considering probiotic supplements you should speak with your doctor or a registered dietitian. Those with weakened immune systems due to cancers, chronic disease; the elderly and young children should avoid probiotics as they may do more harm than good.

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REAL MEALS: Garlic Citrus Grilled Chicken and Broccoli

IMG_0308Lunch today.  I LOVE days when I work at 3pm and can grill for lunch!  This would make an excellent dinner, as well.  There was twice as much broccoli, but I ate it prior to deciding to take this picture and make a post 🙂  Notice only 4 ingredients!!!


Fresh chicken breast

Garlic Rosemary Citrus Sauce/Marinade (from Lunds)

Frozen broccoli (or fresh) drizzled in olive oil and wrapped in tin foil

fresh peach


Preheat grill for 5 minutes on med-high

Coat both sides of chicken with sauce.

Place chicken and broccoli on grill. Flip in 7 minutess. Place peaches on grill at this time as desired.

Remove from grill and enjoy.


I always keep chicken breasts in the fridge for a quick lunch or dinner.  If I don’t use them in a few days I cook them to put on salads.

This marinade/dipping sauce is amazing on chicken and likely on fish, as well.  It contains mostly all natural ingredients.  I tried to make it myself, but it wasn’t the same…


Frozen broccoli is great on the grill.  It gets a really nice soft texture and takes on the flavor of the olive oil very nicely. Sprinkle with lemon juice as desired.

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REAL MEALS: Salmon burger with grilled veggies and lemon pepper dill aioli

Just a little blerp on what real meals look like on the fly. Real wholesome and nourishing ingredients, real simple, and really delicious. Many recipes take a lot of time and effort to shop, prep and complete numerous steps.  Obviously that is not conducive to most of our busy lifestyles. What does good nutrition look like on a daily basis? What types of healthy meals can be thrown together quickly with staples you have stocked in your fridge, freezer and pantry; or a quick trip to the store? Lunch the other day:


Prep time: 3 minutes

Cook time: 7 minutes

Total time: 10 minutes!


Trader joes salmon burger (frozen)

Red pepper cut in 1″ chunks

Zuchini sliced and cut in halves

Baby asparagus

Olive oil for pan

Crumbled gorgonzola and fresh ground pepper to taste

For the aioli (per serving): 1Tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tsp lemon juice, dash of ground pepper, one sprig of dill chopped


Heat two pans with olive oil.  Add salmon burgers to one and veggies to the other.  Cook burgers about 3 minutes on each side while stir frying veggies. Mix aloe.  Plate burgers and veggies. Top burgers with aioli.  Enjoy!

Notes: I love stocking frozen protein sources for a quick meal. Other good options are crab cakes, veggie burgers, chicken breasts, turkey burgers, bison burgers, falafel. Herb gardens are a quick way to flavor up most meals.  See Grow Your Health: Planting a Summer Herb Garden for tips on how.

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Fall Fitness

What a beautiful time of year to get outside and enjoy the weather!  Quick, before it gets too cold, and snows, then melts, and freezes, and finally gets super icy…!!!!

Run, walk, rollerblade, bike! Take it to the trails, around the lakes, along the rivers and over the streams…

Bring a friend…

Who knows what wonders you will find…

Wherever your fitness takes you, don’t miss out on this weather. Let the changing colors of the leaves inspire great movement, great passion and great motivation.


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Seasons Best: Heirloom Tomatoes

I have been wanting to start a seasonal blerp where I talk about the seasons best produce and how to incorporate it into your meals.  Some of these little jems are only around for a month out of the year at their freshest and many of us miss out on them. You know, like the Shamrock Shake at McDonald’s, the Peppermint Blizzard at DQ or my favorite Mexican Chocolate Tort that is only around in May! Same concept, but much healthier 🙂

Anyways, about the heirloom tomatoes…


Every time I have bought these at the grocery store this season the person at the register has asked “what are heirloom tomatoes?” as they were ringing them up.  As I shared my knowledge, I thought this would be a great blog post and the perfect opportunity to share one of my unique and lesser known seasonal faves.

What are heirloom tomatoes? They are seriously OLD tomatoes which seeds have been passed down for generations due to their valued characteristics. Their parent plants are cross bread to bring out the best characteristics of beautiful colors and delicious taste.  Their colors range from green, yellow, orange, purple, red of course and any combination of these colors with stripes or beautiful variegated patterns. There taste is said to be of old world tomatoes; like nothing you can find in the grocery store these days and to that I can attest.  The taste is so pure because unlike tomatoes of today they are bread for flavor and color rather than durability.

Season? Heirloom tomatoes are harvested all summer, but I usually see them in the grocery store in the late summer early fall. Here is a site where you can buy seeds according to season and check out the vast array of varieties (http://www.tomatofest.com/heirloom_tomato_seed_home.html).

Where are they found?  They are best found at farmers markets, in grocery stores like Lunds & Byerly’s that sell produce from local farms and in some restaurants.  Because they are not bread for their hardiness, they are delicate, more easily perish and do not travel well from afar. This means that they are recently harvested when you get them and will not have long shelf life. They are also more expensive than regular tomatoes, but totally worth it!

What to make with them? They are beautiful and delicious on sandwiches,  in salads and as appetizers.  Use them in any way you can showcase their beauty and share their unique flavors with others (http://myhomemdelife.blogspot.com/2011/06/summer-is-here-roasted-heirloom.html). One of my favorite appetizers below can be made with heirloom tomatoes by stacking thinly sliced toasted baguette, toping with slice of fresh mozzarella cheese and a thick slice of heirloom tomato. Finally, top with large basil leaves and drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette.

Cheers, to old tomatoes!





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Take Your Fitness on a Trip

For those of you maintaining a moderate to high level of activity and looking for a little something more there are many options to heighten your fitness routine and keep from getting in a rut.  The more commonly sought after may include 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, triathlon, color run, mud run, warrior dash, full marathon!  I’m sure there are many more and most of these events also donate entrance fee money to a variety of charitable causes!  There are a huge variety of training plans to choose from for most of these runs depending on your starting level of activity and many nutritional products to supplement your nutrition when burning so much energy on a regular basis.  I do emphasize real, whole food sources rather than processed, packaged, powdered foods when possible, but busy schedules sometimes require us to get some of our calories and protein from supplements while training hard.

I myself have only sought after the full marathon which was an absolute once in a lifetime, however, it will only be happening once in my lifetime!!!  It was very enjoyable to train for and rewarding to finish, but very hard on my joints after spending 10 years as a competitive gymnast.  I trained my senior year in college and ran the Madison City Marathon in 2006.

Years before my marathon I had caught the long distance biking bug and have been getting my fix that way ever since.  It all started at the end of my freshman year in college.  I remember getting a call from my best friend Sarah asking if I would like to do a bike trip to our friend Kay~tee’s house in Madison, WI.  I had just finished a season of college gymnastics and hadn’t started my summer job yet so I agreed.  Sarah mapped out our route which would begin in River Falls,WI where I had gone to school that year and would follow the lesser traveled country backroads with wide shoulders until we would get on 100 miles of limestone trails that had once been old rail road lines.  These trails consisted of two tunnels carved out of the limestone which would require head lamps because it was pitch black most of the time. Walking your bike was also required due to the dark, the bats and the natural spring water falling in the tunnels to avoid complete disaster!

We planned to camp each night along the way and bring only the bare minimum of clothing and toiletries.  I remember weighing our bikes to make sure we were as light weight as possible and sleeping together in a one man tent! The entire trip was about 350 miles with plenty of hills throughout Wisconsin.

The people we met along the way, those we have convinced to join us over the years, the charming little restaurants, the dive bars and the natural wonders we found will never be forgotten.  This trip has remained our favorite and has motivated us to take it to the streets and trails all over the state of MN!  We have come a long way from the first year with no extra inner tubes or way to fix a flat.  Here are some of our secrets and tips to taking a fitness trip of your own…

Always bring a headlight…aka flashlight that straps onto your head to wear while biking at night.

Always have a good map of the area and a phone with map ap.

Have plenty of bike racks, water holders and baskets to hold necessities and to keep things handy. Consider saddle bags if you plan on multiple trips.  Bungie cords work well to secure a back pack to a bike rack.

Pack plenty of snacks and water in case there are not many places to stop.


Bring a few extra inner tubes and an air pump if you are biking.

Map out campgrounds along your route and use them as a goal end point to each day. Consider sleeping in friends or families yard along the way if possible.

Bring a small tent, lightweight blanket and consider using bag or sweatshirt as a pillow to avoid extra luggage. Tinfoil emergency blankets provide  a ton of heat if temps dip down during the night, but are also noisy.  Bring earplugs.

Bring mace in case you need to protect yourself and always keep it handy.

On that note, have friends and family track you via GPS on your phone.  Just in case.

Bring phone chargers and charge phone at every moment possible. Consider extra batteries for your phone.

Music helps with morale.

Keep a positive attitude.

Plan your daily miles and to end the day in a place you know will have a motel or campground and plenty of places to eat.

Be flexible as there may be flat tires, injuries…

Wear plenty of sunscreen during sunny conditions and take advantage of bodies of water in high temps.

2006 WI Trip

2006 WI Trip

Always have a destination like a friends house, cabin or event that you are trying to get to for motivation.

Dont forget to have fun on the journey and take advantage of the things you find along the way.


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Grow Your Health: Isn’t it fun to watch things grow?!

Here is the growth of my gardens…

Here is the growth of my herb garden…

My unfenced garden was repeatedly trampled by a furry ninja and has been then since fenced and replanted.  The fenced garden gets less than desired amounts of sunlight due to a large shade tree, but seems to be doing fairly well.  I’m no gardening expert as this is my first year planting, but it is fun to watch things grow!  To be continued…

How does your garden grow?

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Grow Your Health: Planting a summer herb garden

There are many different ways to grow an herb garden. Most of which are pretty simple and require only a few supplies. Herbs go great on summer salads, in meats, in beverages and on sandwiches to name a few. They add flavor without salt, sugar or fat and add variety to your usual diet to stave off boredom and cravings. Not to mention the health benefits. Find out more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/08/healthy-herbs-spices-healthiest_n_2089007.html

In the past I have used the AeroGrow herb garden while living in an apartment without outdoor space. I would highly recommend this to those who are short on time or outdoor space. It pretty much takes care of itself with automatic lights and water filtration system. All that is required is refilling the water and nutrient packets when a little light flashes to remind you. I had great growth with this system and had herbs year round. http://www.aerogrow.com/

Growing herbs from seed or plant in the soil is pretty simple as long as you have good soil quality, sunlight and water daily. Plant according to package instructions and water well. I grew my fennel in the garden this year from seed so I will keep you posted on the outcome. Fingers crossed.

I also started a gutter gardening system on my garage this year because I ran out of garden space. I got a little overzealous with the gardening since we finally have a backyard!!! Hope it all grows. Anyways, the gutter gardening is quite simple as well and is very suitable for herbs. Jeff drilled holes in the bottom of the gutters to allow drainage and then drilled the gutters into the side of the garage so they hang off in parallel lines. You can also slant them so they drain to one end and then drill the drainage holes only in the draining end (slant right, left, right if hanging multiple rows of gutters). Then, I filled the gutters with a combo of black dirt from our yard and potting soil and planted according to package instructions. It seems like they will require a bit more watering due to the heat they receive from being attached to the garage, but I will keep you posted on their growth. I grew mostly greens and strawberries in the gutters, but you can also plant tomatoes, peas and herbs…


This year I decided to plant herbs in a galvanized steel barrel due to a shortage of garden space for veggies and frutis and because I wanted them to be right outside my kitchen door. This required a few more steps than just planting them in the ground or in pots because it requires protection against the heat of the steel and the possible chemicals in the steel. It was, however, cheaper than buying a wooden planter or ceramic pot of this size and could be used in an outdoor space without grass. The galvanized steel barrel cost about $20 and each herb plant cost $2.25. I also used two bags of potting soil. The steps to constructing include:


  1. Drill holes in the bottom of the galvanized steel barrel to allow for drainage
  2. Place 1” of rocks in the bottom to allow for drainage           IMG_2314
  3. Place heat barrier layer of bubble wrap to cover all surfaces except 2” on top (poke holes to allow drainage)IMG_2318
  4. Place a layer of gardening plastic to cover all surfaces except 2” on top (poke holes to allow drainage)IMG_2319
  5. Fill barrel with potting soil 2” from top to allow watering (I also used compost that I had been working on for a few weeks)IMG_2323
  6. Place chosen herb plants in the soil at container height and surround with dirt (follow packaging instructions). You may also plant from seed following the packet instructions. Make sure to space a few inches apart for most. Space mint more generously or grow in separate container because it has a tendency to over grow and spread quite a bit.
  7. Water well and water daily
  8. Place barrel in full sun area (most herbs require full sun, but read package instructions)
  9. Allow a few days to a week of growth before you start picking herbs grown from plants and longer when grown from seeds (until they are mature plants). Never remove more than 1/3 of the herb plant at one time.

Stay tuned for posts on recipes featuring garden fresh herbs and tips on composting!


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Healthy Travels

I’ve been a little slack on the posts lately because I’ve been out of the country in Australia.  After 2 ½ weeks of research, I’m back to share my perspective on staying healthy and fit during vacation!

Up the enjoyment factor on your vacations by keeping the pounds off.  How is this possible?  Eating your fruits/veggies, drinking your water and staying active are key! Many of us worry about vacation weight gain due to overindulgence, but shouldn’t we able to indulge on vacation?!

The answer is yes, but always within reason and in moderation!  Most of us wonder what that means?  The truth is that most of us are more active on vacation with increased walking and possibly hiking, swimming and biking.  If this is not possible for you, then you will have to keep closer to your usual intake to maintain weight.  Do indulge, but keep portions smaller than usual to avoid caloric overload.  Listen to your hunger gage and only eat when you are hungry.  Remember, you don’t have to be a member of the clean your plate club!

If you are able to be active make sure that you pack these types of activities into your schedule every day.  On top of walking a lot, renting bikes and swimming in the ocean daily my mom and I try to run thirty minutes 4-5 times a week.  This is also a great way to explore the city you are visiting.  I love getting up early before the city awakes to explore its peaceful beauty.  Be careful not to get lost!

A few years ago when traveling through France and Spain with my mom I began the 50 pushups a day challenge!  It sounds as corny as it is!  So every morning after our run I did 50 pushups (alternating wide arms, narrow arms and regular to work different muscle groups). I also added in 300 abdominal exercises (vary type each day).  This helps keep tone and revs your high calorie burning muscle tissues to help keep up with increased caloric intake.  I have tried to maintain this on every vacation since with much enthusiasm when I announce that it is time for the “fifty pushups a day challenge!!!”  Sometimes it’s even contagious! You could also swap this for 15-30 minutes of yoga!  There is nothing better than morning yoga in a tropical locale.  Try it out on the patio on top of a towel in the quiet early morning sunshine.

Try to keep desserts to one small a day or a larger dessert every other day.  Also try to eat your fruits and veggies every day.  If they are not readily available while eating out or you do not feel like eating salads for meals, stock your hotel room fridge with fruits and veggies from local markets.  This may allow you to try new fruits and veggies and save some on meals.  Buy precut fruits or fruits that can be eaten without cutting.  If you like salads, it is very easy to stock the fridge with greens and salad dressing with a few toppings to nosh on between meals of for midday snacks.  If there is no fridge, keep fruits like apples, oranges and bananas that can be kept at room temp and travel easily.  Keep cucumber, avocado, tomato, zucchini…for slicing (get a plastic knife from a fast food restaurant) and enjoy with cheese and crackers.  Filling up on low calorie, high nutrient, high fiber fruits and veggies helps to lower daily calorie content and keep you full longer!  And making more room for indulgent foods without packing on the pounds!  Last, but not least, drink your water!!! Keep a bottle to carry and refill up when possible.  Packing in more non-caloric beverages will save you calories, fend of false hunger (from thirst) and keep you feeling fuller longer.

Viola!!!  The perfect plan to enjoy a healthy vacation!  Good for the body and the mind 🙂

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Beat the winter blues

As the winter drags on long after Thanksgiving and the December Holidays many of us are affected by the gloom and doom of gray skies, cold days and reduced activity.  How can we combat this to get through the next few months until spring greets us with blue skies, singing birds and sunshine!?

Our scenery is gray and barren. Many of us leave for work in early morning darkness and get off of work in the dark five days a week. Lack of a suitable environment to get out and be social in due to cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours cause us to be more sedentary and solitary. It is also more difficult to get motivated to exercise in inclement weather, which leads to decreased release of mood elevating endorphins. Exercising indoors on a stationary machine can also decrease motivation to work out. It is easier to hide a few extra pounds under larger clothing, which may lead to less health conscious eating. Vitamin D deficiency is also more common in the winter due to decreased sunlight exposure and decreased intensity of the sunlight, which may lead to depressed mood. All of this leads to natural declines in energy and mood with possible weight gain and food cravings.

Staying active can help us to keep those endorphins pumping. Endorphins released during exercise have positive effects on mood and act almost like natural anti depressants! If you can get out for some activity in the daylight that would be even better!

Eating healthfully and in appropriate amounts is important.  Studies show that those who make healthful food decisions have better moods, less cravings and less disordered eating. Heavier foods are typical of colder months, but eating fresh almost tropically inspired cuisine may help to elevate your mood. So pack in the fresh fruits and veggies and keep the pounds from creeping on this winter.

Vitamin D is “the sunshine vitamin” often found to be deficient in the winter due to decreased sunlight exposure.  Get outside and expose at least the skin of your face to the sun when possible during peak sunlight hours, 11am-1pm.  You will not meet your Vitamin D needs this way in the winter like you would in just 10-15 minutes in the spring/summer months, but the benefits of sunlight are multifactoral.

Eat foods high in vitamin D to avoid deficiency:

cod liver oil (mmm!)

atlantic herring

salmon: coho, atlantic, sockeye

albacore tuna






fortified cereals, dairy and eggs

I always recommend getting vitamin D through food sources and sunlight rather than supplementation unless there is a deficiency or you are a super picky eater! New recommendations have increased recommended daily allowances (or amount of nutrients in the diet required to maintain good health in individuals) to:

1300mg/day     9-18years

1000mg/day     19-50years

1200mg/day     51-70 years

Signs and symptoms of deficiency may include bone pain and muscle weakness, but may also be asymptomatic. Get your vitamin D checked at your primary care provider in the winter months if you have any of these symptoms.  If your vitamin D is low you will need oral supplementation under your doctor’s care.  Studies are not conclusive as to whether vitamin D deficiency leads to depression and whether supplementation relieves symptoms, but there seems to be a link, which requires further research.

 Keeping your environment bright can aid in keeping your mood elevated throughout the winter. Bright light therapy is a more intense treatment which can help to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Bright light is recommended with 10,000 lux (strength) of fluorescent light without ultraviolet wavelengths.  You should sit about 20-30” from the box for about thirty minutes in the am soon after awaking.  Your eyes should be open, but do not look straight into the light. This is not for everyone and may be damaging to the eye especially of those with diabetes or eye disease. It can also cause hypomania and mania in those with bipolar.  It is highly recommended to see your medical provider for proper diagnosis of SAD and evaluation of appropriateness before purchasing a light box (http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/seasonal-affective-disorder-bring-on-the-light-201212215663).

SAD is a more serious condition that may play a role in the “winter blues.” It’s symptoms are more intense and most likely due to less exposure too sunlight which decreases levels of serotonin, melatonin and disrupts circadian rhythms. Serotonin is a brain chemical related to mood which drops with less sunlight and may lead to depression in some. Melatonin plays a part in regulating the sleep-wake cycle or circadian rhythm.  Melatonin is released in response to darkness and causes sleepiness.  This can lead to decreases in energy, disruption in sleep cycle and changes in mood when daylight hours are shorter in the winter (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/basics/causes/con-20021047).

Symptoms of SAD:




difficulty concentrating

loss of energy

social withdrawal

increased sleep

appetite changes, weight gain–> especially cravings for foods high in carbohydrates

Be sure to see your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms to discuss treatment options and prevent worsening of your condition. SAD can be a serious condition and must be addressed promptly.  Light therapy is usually first line, but some may require antidepressants or psychotherapy.